This Snowbaby shows a bird how to stay warm by a candle's flame. Warming its little hands by the fire its feathered friend follows suit. The candle lights up with...
Give this Snowbaby's tree a spin to see it sparkle and shine! The 4" porcelain figurine is hand-painted with festive glitter accents. The Snowbabies Peace collection was designed by Kristi...
A kind-hearted Snowbaby makes sure his snow friends are nice and cozy in hand-knit scarves, warming hearts in the process. The 3.75" porcelain scene is handcrafted in beautiful detail. Designed...
Shine a light on the ones you love with this beautiful Snowbaby angel. Hand-painted with glitter wings, the 4.5" porcelain figurine holds a light-up, glittering candle and engraved with the...
This winter scene radiates goodwill, as a Snowbaby and his polar bear friend gaze upon a spinning globe. Glittering snow sparkles beneath their feet and paws. The 3.5" porcelain figurine...
Deer me, who is this! A Snowbaby hugs close to his deer friend as they encounter a very lifelike snowman, topped in a hand-knit winter cap. Handcrafted from high-quality porcelain,...
The cutest peace offering of the season, a merry Snowbaby wraps a glittering peace symbol around the neck of a penguin friend. A hand-knit cap adds a warming touch. Designed...
Two Snowbaby school friends enjoy a peaceful winter afternoon painting outside. Handcrafted from porcelain, the 3.5" figurine features hand-painted accents in blush pink and baby blue. Designed by Kristi Jensen...
It must be time to decorate for the holidays! A Snowbaby strides across the glittering snow with a basketful of ornaments as its faithful bear cub tags along. Hand-knit winter...
No Christmas tree is complete without the star on top! With sparkly wings and a wire halo, this Snowbaby angel prepares to put this final touch on its lit-up evergreen....
The hardest part of picking out a Christmas tree is getting it home! This cheeky 5" porcelain figurine shows a Snowbaby squeezing a newly chopped evergreen into the trunk of...
Give the gift of peaceful harmony. A Snowbaby wears a glittering backward baseball cap as he strums a guitar for his faithful furry friend. This 4" figurine is handcrafted from...
This Snowbaby is collecting all the star shine he can find! His sits atop his overstuffed trunk, hand-knit scarf looped around his neck. Handcrafted from porcelain, this 4.5" figurine is...
Celebrate the reason for the season with a beautiful Snowbabies nativity scene. This set of four figurines and stable features Mary, a sweet shepherd, and the Christ child inside a...
This Snowbaby has a whole lot of love to give! Sitting on a tree stump, he holds a string of blue glitter-dusted hearts as a friendly bird looks on. The...