Found in one of the city's more upscale neighborhoods, the "Brentwood" is a two story turreted brownstone that is home to one of the city's leading families. Introduced January 2022...
Christmas In The City, a collection from Department 56 - with all the hustle and bustle, this series captures the elegance and excitement of the city. 7400 Beacon Hill, hand-crafted...
Christmas In The City - a collection from Department 56, this series captures the elegance and excitement of the city. The whole family has anticipated seeing the holiday movie tonight....
Christmas In The City, this series captures the elegance and excitement of the city. Dressed to the nines, this couple looks forward to a special night on the town enjoying...
Diamond Jim Brady was a wealthy New York businessman who was often seen dining at Luchow's German Restaurant. He was a big man, with a big appetite who was often...
A tiny puppy tucked into her bag, this shopper takes her pooch everywhere with her. It doesn't matter is she is shopping or visiting friends. Introduced January 2022 Retired November...
Dad bends down to listen to a long list of wishes from his starry-eyed son this Village accessory is hand-crafted, hand-painted, Porcelain. Introduced January 2020 Retired November 2021 Village Figures...
In preparation for the annual children's' Christmas choir, a nun teaches three little angels to sing their lines in chorus.
Introduced January 2019
Retired November 2021 Village Figures
Christmas In The City - a collection from Department 56, this series captures the elegance and excitement of the city. Stop into Atwater's Coffee House for a shopping break. Hand-crafted...
As she sets out for a long day of Christmas shopping, a doting mother makes sure her newborn baby is warm and comfortable in their stroller. Introduced January 2019 Retired...
Two dapper newsmen stop to compare notes and read a headlining article in the local newspaper.
Introduced January 2021
Retired November 2023 Village Figures
All Aboard! The role of a porter is to assist passengers at railway stations...loading, unloading and distributing the luggage.
Introduced October 2022
Retired November 2023 Village Figures
Christmas In The City - a collection from Department 56, this series captures the elegance and excitement of the city. A couple takes a romantic horse drawn carriage ride through...
Christmas In The City - a collection from Department 56 - with all the hustle and bustle, this series captures the elegance and excitement of the city. Choosing The Day's...
Jimmy's puppy just wants to make friends with Susan's cat, but the frazzled feline has other ideas. Sure to make all pet lovers smile. Introduced January 2019 Retired November 2019...
At the heart of every city is the seat of government, the City Hall. With four impressive pillars sheltering the massive entry doors, this large structure is topped with a...
After school, 3 friends stop for a frozen treat on the way home. Date on the wall, 1940, represents the year the 1st Dairy Queen opened. Introduced January 2018 Retired...
This old-fashioned department store is the ideal place for Villagers to do all of their Christmas shopping. Everything from toy fire engines to dressing gowns can be found within, and...
Our "Engine Company 31" was inspired by a fire station built in New York City in 1895. At the time, fire stations were such as important part of every city...
Inspired by motorized fire engines of the 1920s and 1930s, our Engine #31 will be a welcome addition for the streets of "Christmas in the City". The wheels move and...
FAO Schwarz is the oldest toy store in the United States, first opening its doors in 1862 in Baltimore before moving to New York City, where it has moved between several locations...
FIRST EDITION; hand-numbered edition of 560 pcs. Designed to celebrate Lunar New Year, this exquisitely detailed design honors the Year of the Dragon in 2024. Introduced October 2023 Retired November...
Star struck bell hop on the red carpet helps a movie starlet by hailing her a cab. Red flocking gives texture to the carpet. Introduced January 2015 Retired November 2016...
Heurtley offers a prime example of the Prairie Style Homes made famous by American architect Frank Lloyd Wright. Completed in 1902 in the Chicago suburb of Oak Park, Illinois, iconic...
Considered one of the best examples of his prairie style architecture, Frank Lloyd Wright's Robie House was built in the Hyde Park neighborhood near Chicago. Completed in 1910, Robie House...
Christmas In The City, a collection from Department 56 - with all the hustle and bustle, this series captures the elegance and excitement of the city. Fulton Fish House, hand-crafted...
After careful consideration, this youngster has selected the perfect card for his favorite grandfather. Mom is very proud!
Introduced January 2022
Retired November 2023 Village Figures
Delivery Boy for Dayfield's Department Store arrived in style on a Harley-Davidson especial designed for carrying goods.
Introduced May 2015
Retired November 2016 Village Figures
Christmas In The City - a collection from Department 56 - Harley-Davidson Garage brings the spirit of Harley to The City! Hand-crafted and hand-painted porcelain lit building. Includes light cord...
2020 Limited Edition. Hand numbered and limited to only 2,500 pieces.A trusted jeweler is a sure benefit, and Harry Jacobs is proud to serve our City. The window displays show...
Dressed in traditional 19th century fire fighters' gear, this fireman not only wrestles with the massive hoses but the firehouse mascot, the Dalmatian dog. Introduced January 2021 Retired November 2023...
Dressed in traditional 19th century fire fighters' gear, this fireman not only wrestles with the massive hoses but the firehouse mascot, the Dalmatian dog. Introduced January 2021 Retired November 2023...
Christmas In The City - a collection from Department 56, this series captures the elegance and excitement of the city. Catching up over a warm cup of 'Joe' during a...