Mickey's Christmas Village Series, by Department 56. Hurry Up, Donald, highly detailed figure of famous characters. Donald doesn't seem to be too happy being a porter, but he's getting the...
Mickey's Village Comes Alive with the joy of Christmas that fills the air. Each porcelain accessory was designed by the artists at Department 56. Here Mickey prepares a detailed list...
Mickey's Christmas Village Series, by Department 56. Mickey's Road, Curved, a great way to compliment your Village scene. Hand-crafted, hand-painted resin. Introduced January 2014 Retired November 2015 Village General Accessory...
Mickey's Christmas Village Series, by Department 56. Mickey's Tangled Tango, Hand-crafted, hand-painted resin accessory figure.
Introduced January 2014
Retired November 2015 Village Figures
Complete with a cherry on top -- Minnie's Bakery is now open for business! Mickey's Village Comes Alive with the joy of Christmas that fills the air. Each lighted piece...