The precursor to the movie theaters, magic lantern shows became widespread in London during the 1800's. Similar to more modern day slide projectors, a magic lantern used a light source...
The fair isle of Britain is known for many specialty trades, one of which is dairy production. It's thus appropriate to tribute the eighth in our Twelfth Night series as...
This charming Dickens' Village building includes a specially developed sound chip of song birds and provides an almost ambient background noise. Birds were extremely popular in 19th century England. Introduced...
A trio of horn players spread cheer on streets of London with carols in front of the department store.
Introduced January 2017
Retired November 2017 Village Figures
Remember the Town Crier that announced the birth of the Prince George in the summer of 2013? That was the inspiration for this charming design. Introduced January 2015 Retired November...
Anglophiles might agree, one of the most charming aspects of the British countryside is the variety of beautiful English cottages, of which Olde Vine Cottage is a wonderful example. Introduced...
Well known British artist Dante Rossetti has inspired this finely detailed accessory of the artist working at his craft. The ever-present muse is a model featured in many of his...
Traditionally, churches are a bestselling design in Dickens Village. The hanging bell used on St. Clive's caught the attention of our artist and inspired this design. This unique bell is...
The world's best-know upscale department stores are found in London. Similar to a mall, an arcade allowed patrons the convenience of visiting several shops under one roof. Elegant details include...
A pushcart filled with the freshest dairy ingredients, serving customers on the streets of London.
Introduced January 2017
Retired November 2017 Village Figures