Christmas In The City - a collection from Department 56, this series captures the elegance and excitement of the city. Steeplejacks Heading Home, construction workers finish their day. Hand-crafted &...
Available Fall 2013. Use Department 56 Cross Product accessories to enhance your Village display. Landscaping Set, from the 2013 Village Holiday Special. Set of 6, includes 5 sisals trees, 3"...
Christmas In The City - a collection from Department 56, this series captures the elegance and excitement of the city. On Top Of The World, depicts the famous architect at...
A part of the North Pole Collection, designed by Department 56 - Knucklehead On A Mission, Santa, dressed in leather & denim cruises the North Pole. Hand-crafted and hand-painted porcelain...
Part of the Dickens' Village Series from Department 56. Victorian England, where many traditions we celebrate today took shape. Ewart Public Library, Hand-crafted and hand-painted porcelain lit building. Includes light...